
roll the credits

When the lights fade out, the show's about to go on... We settle down, prepare ourselves to get amazed, we prepare ourselves to experiance something beyond that what we normally see out on the streets, in our home, with our friends, at work, in school... With people we love, people we disagree with, people we face on various occations... They all matter for our own movie, our own picture to be complete...

But on the movie screen we want more, all that we see in our own life - and more...

We love the drama and happy endings of a Disney production.. We fear the ending in a horror movie... We laugh and feel pleased at the ending of a comedy.. And we all get a relief of the endings in a thriller, when they catch the murderer just before the end credits starts to roll...

We know the real life aint like this - we feel the pain forever, we fall and hurt ourselves and get brusied for weeks... We live those moments of agony and anger, not only for a scene or a couple of re-takes.. But for a long time, over and over again. In different places, different moments in time... We live our lives with the knowing facts that it might not end up the way we want it to. We live our lives knowing that misseries excists quite close. Not knowing when the will occure, we do know that they will...

Without a director, extras or stuntmen, we do everything on our own. We face the fears that might hurt us. We fight against our monsters both inside and out there. We chase our own dramas and scenery for that when the love-scene will take place, we want it to be perfect... We stand tall when we get something right, when we feel pride over something we've achieved without a script, without a re-take.. By ourselves.

We love those scenes on a day-by-day purpose when everything could be excplained like a kodak-moment, we wanna frame it in gold and keep it on the wall forever so that when we feel down and blue, we can just look up and see what we have behind us to feel strong about, what we can feel proud of. What we've done in history, echoes in eternity... Its a real deal...

Cuz in the movie, starring me, you - Your own movie, u will have no second chances, no different angles or people fetching a diet coke for u in the background when the co-star is in front of the camera lens.... There is no cut and paste, no remix, no re-make... We live our days the way they're put out in front of us... Without hesitation, without regret.. Cuz life dont get forgotten, and neither shall we then forget...

Cuz when we are on that final chapter, we wanna be able to feel ok when they yell cut...
And we wanna go out with a smile on our face, telling the director;

..to roll the credits....

Living Creates Satisfaction - Time Creates Oppertunities - Life Creates Your Dream...

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