

a lot of nothing has been goin down lately, been way out in my head and whatever I've had that could've been mentioned as a thought, has been without existence.

when people say that you're flat-minded, they really don't know the meaning. But I do - now.

You see a lot of nothing is still a lot.
Think of it as a 100% of love that dont exist, and I bet you're probobly arching your eye-browses right now saying, what? But let me break it down for y'all like this -

a hundred per cent of nothing is still a 100% of something, but with the lack of it. For when u have love in your life, you are (hopefully) a hundred per cent pleased, and happy and you know, all that. And I add, when having a 100% nothing of all that mentioned above, and you're still happy, thats when u got a 100% of nothing ;)

See my point? 
It's a word-game, kind of a trick statement that acctually don't give anything for lightly minded. You gotta understand the lyrics to realize the meaning, and thought within.

Well, ofcourse, it makes no sense what so ever, but it don't have to - as long as you can see the rhyme and hear the undertone of the words for themselves - then u can see the whole picture.


Ahm, and for those who wonder, why I just took time to write this down? I dont have an answer... Just read it and weep aight ;)

All for me... Sleepyness is around the corner...


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